Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ok, I admit I am not that great at this blogging thing, but I think I made that clear in the beginning. However, I really have something great to blog about today. Lucy Fae started walking last night. For the past few weeks if we really coaxed her into it she would take a few steps here and there, but last night she walked from our chair to the TV (about 10 steps) unprovoked. It was awesome to watch, even though everyone keeps warning me that the awesomeness wears off as soon as she is into everything. Oh, well for now Nate and I are thoroughly excited!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Standing Tall

Lucy Fae is standing all by herself; look out world walking is just a step away (literally I guess:). About a week ago she started pushing herself up to standing in the middle of the floor. She just stands there and giggles and gets really excited when we clap for her. Then, when she decides her legs are tired she sits back down. She's such a hoot right now, especially with all the Christmas gifts. I think that she thinks that they are all hers to open. (They almost are:)
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Whistle While You Work (Or Maybe Play)

Lucy really likes to try and whistle now. Nate will whistle to her and then she tries to whistle back. The other night while Nate was feeding Lucy he started whistling, and when Lucy whistled back she shot a pea at his face. I guess that's what you get for whistling on the job?!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Forever Blowing Bubbles

Lucy has recently discovered that the simplest of things, her spit, can keep her entertained for hours, ok maybe minutes, at a time. This girl can blow some mean spit bubbles. She gets her lips nice and coated and then just makes a ma, ma,ma sound over and over again and produces bubble after bubble after bubble. It's hilarious and keeps Nate and I and the grandparents laughing! As soon as I get it on video and can figure out how to then put that on my blog I'll do that. ( Don't hold your breath, that could be a while).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

OK, So here goes.....

I'm going to preface this by saying I am not a creative writer, and I have no doubt that this may not be nearly as amusing to read as many of the blogs I frequent. However, I thought it my be kind of nice for people who may be interested to stay up to date on all the fun things that Lucy is doing. She is now 10 months old and is changing a lot these days. In the last couple of weeks she has began crawling and the world is now her oyster. She's all over the place and baby proofing the house is now in high gear. She has also developed quite the personality in the last few months and definitely lets us know when things aren't going the way she thinks they should. She is constantly making Nate and I laugh with her ramblings, and we both look forward to the end of the day and time spent with Lucy. I will try my best to make this entertaining and will at the very least keep everyone updated on little Miss Lucy Fae.
